Helping You Protect Your Home

  • Seven Reasons Why You Frequently Need Foundation Repairs

    25 March 2022

    Many of the common causes of foundation repair needs are preventable. It's important to know why your foundation is frequently damaged and in need of repairs so that you can prevent repair needs in the future. The following are seven reasons why you frequently need foundation repairs.  You have trees growing too close to your home Your landscaping can have a big impact on the condition of your foundation. Tree roots and others types of roots that grow close to your home can put pressure on your foundation.

  • What To Do If The PICRA Repairs Weren't Made

    24 March 2022

    When you have a chance to buy a house, you also get a chance to have the place inspected so you can ask for certain things to be repaired. If you want particular items to be fixed but don't need everything on the inspection list fixed, you'll most likely deal with a form called the Property Inspection Contingency Removal Addendum, or PICRA. You put the items you want fixed on that list along with other requirements, such as having only licensed contractors do the work, and the seller has to address the items within a certain amount of time before you buy the home.

  • 3 Signs Your Lawn Has An Erosion Problem

    24 March 2022

    The flow of water is one of the most potent forces on Earth, and even the most beautiful and well-maintained lawns can fall victim to its whims. While there's plenty you can do to protect your property, soil erosion is a problem that many homeowners will still eventually need to face. As with many water-related issues, quickly dealing with erosion is often the best option to avoid costly repairs. Unfortunately, it's easy to miss the early signs that your property may be suffering from water erosion issues.

  • Top Things You Might Not Know As A Beginner To Welding Fabrication

    22 March 2022

    If you are interested in learning a little more about welding, such as if you'd like to enter the industry yourself or if you're thinking about hiring someone to help you with a welding project, then you might want to know a little more about welding fabrication. If you want to know as much about the welding industry as possible, then you should learn more about welding fabrication. These are some of the basic things that you might not know but that you might find interesting.

  • Useful Flood Cleaning Protocols For Property Owners

    22 March 2022

    Floods are a serious natural disaster that some homes are unfortunately exposed to. If yours was, then it's paramount to start cleaning the inside and out as soon as you can to minimize damage. Here are some flood cleaning protocols to focus on in particular.   Get the Right Protective Gear First Before you start removing water, drying surfaces, and dealing with mold after a flood, it's a good idea to invest in some protective gear first.

  • Helpful Tips For Buying Investment Properties On A Budget

    21 March 2022

    If your budget is tight, you could be looking for ways to make more money. Investing in real estate could be a good way to make more money now and prepare for a more financially secure future, but of course, it can be hard to do when you're on a tight budget. Luckily, if you follow these tips, you might find that you can, in fact, successfully invest in real estate, even if you don't have a lot of money.

  • The Health Risks Of A Dirty Carpet

    17 March 2022

    Most people underestimate the health hazards of a dirty carpet. While your carpet may appear clean, it can host dangerous bacteria and allergens that could cause serious health problems.  Below are a few significant health issues that a dirty carpet can cause.  Respiratory Issues  A dirty carpet often harbors things like dust and pet hair. Simple activities like vacuuming or walking on the carpet spread the contaminants to the indoor air.